Dr. F. Gerritzen Award

The dr. F. Gerritzen-award is an annual thesis award founded by SANOFI awarded to a researcher who recently defended his/her thesis on a topic related to diabetes mellitus.

The prize is a bronze token, the dr. F. Gerritzen-badge, a certificate and a €5.000,- cheque for the winner and €500,- for the other 2 nominees. In an award session during the Annual Dutch Diabetes Research Meeting, the 3 most highly ranked theses will be presented by the nominees.

Gerritzen Award 2024

In 2024, the Gerritzen prize for the best diabetes dissertation 2023/2024 will be awarded for the 39th time. You can submit before Friday 13 September 2024.

The assessment of your dissertation will be done by the Gerritzen committee. So if you obtained your PhD after September, 1 2023, or if you will be doing your PhD before ADDRM 2024, go for this honorable prize and apply!

How to apply?

Submission of the following documents:

  • 3 paper theses to the address below
  • PDF of the thesis
  • CV of yourself with your current email addres
  • Motivation letter: describe in this motivation letter why you are eligible for this prize, what you have contributed to the diabetes field and how you will contribute to the diabetes field in the future

PDF, CV and motivation letter can be emailed to: secretariaat-vbw@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Postal address:
Maastricht University
Attention Dr. E. Phielix,
Dept. Nutrition and Movement Sciences
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht

About dr. F. Gerritzen

Dr. F. Gerritzen is one of the founding fathers of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Suikerziekten (NVS, founded in1945), nowadays known as the Diabetes Vereniging Nederland (DVN). He served as the first secretary/treasurer to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) founded in 1949. The first scientific meeting of the IDF was organized under his supervision in Leiden, back in 1952. Being the medical advisor to the NVS, he organized promotional activities for societal acceptance of patients with diabetes.

38th Dr. F. Gerritzen-prijs 2023

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2023 is Stijn Meijnikman from the Spaarne Gasthuis. He obtained on his thesis 'A panomics step to unravel the role of gut microbiota in metabolic disease'.

37th Dr. F. Gerritzen-prijs 2022

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2022 is Jason Doppenber from the LUMC. He obtained on his thesis 'Functional Islets and Where to Find Them'.

36th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2021

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2021 is Helga Blauw. She obtained her PhD with her thesis entitled 'The bihormonal artificial pancreas - Development and evaluation of a novel treatment for type 1 diabetes'

35th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2020

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2020 is Anna Emanuel. She obtained her PhD with her thesis entitled 'Microvascular dysfunction: cause of diabetes and diabetes-related complications'

34th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2019

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2019 is Hanne Rooijackers from the Radboudumc. She obtained her PhD with her thesis entitled ‘Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes – the role of lactate’.

33rd Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2018

Winner of the Dr. The F. Gerritzen Award 2017 is Dirk Jan Stenvers from the AMC. He obtained his PhD with his thesis entitled ‘Light, the circadian timing system and type 2 diabetes’.

32nd Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2017

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2017 is Siebe Spijker from the LUMC. He obtained his doctorate on his thesis ‘The ambiguous β-cell. On the loss of human pancreatic β-cell identity’.

31st Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2016

Winner of the Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2016 is Emanuel Canfora from the MUMC. He obtained on his thesis ‘Short chain fatty acids: the link between gut microbiotica and metabolic health’.

30th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2015

Winner of the dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2015 is dr. Rianne Ellenbroek from the LUMC. She obtained her doctorate on her thesis ‘Pancreatic b- and a-cell adaptation in response to metabolic changes’.

29th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2014

Winner of the dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2014 is Mariëtte Boon from the LUMC. She obtained her doctorate on her thesis ‘Turning up the heat: role of brown adipose tissue in metabolic disease’.

28th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2013

Winner of the dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2013 is Dr. G.M. (Giesje) Nefs from the University of Tilburg. She obtained her doctorate on her thesis ‘Diabetes and emotional distress: the need for a personalized approach’.

27th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2012

Winner of the dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2012 is Dr. Eelco van Duinkerken from the VUMC. He obtained his doctorate on his thesis ‘Type 1 Diabetes and the Brain: A Bittersweet Relationship?’.

26th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2011

Winner of the dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2011 is Esther Phielix from the MUMC. She obtained her doctorate on her thesis ‘Insulin resistance and mitochondrial function: a mitocentric view’.

25th Dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2010

Winner of the dr. F. Gerritzen Award 2010 is Dr. Jolien de Jager from the MUMC. She obtained her doctorate on her thesis ‘The effects of metformin on metabolism and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes’.