Dutch/Flemmish working group on PsychoSocial Aspects of Diabetes (PSAD)

The PSAD-NL working group represents the Dutch chapter of the European PSAD, one of the working groups of the EASD (www.psad-easd.eu). PSAD-NL aims to promote awareness of the psychosocial aspects of diabetes, improve the quality of psychosocial research in diabetes, and promote knowledge of effective psychosocial interventions in diabetes care. 

To this end, we actively seek communication between researchers and clinicians. The PSAD sessions during the annual ADDRM meeting provide an excellent platform for substantive discussion and knowledge exchange. The PSAD-NL board is formed by:

Dr. Maartje de Wit

Senior researcher in diabetes psychology

Dr. Sasja Huisman

Clinical psychologist and researcher

Dr. Miranda Schram

Epidemiologist and biomedical scientist

New members are welcome and can apply by sending an email to any of the above addresses. You can also ask questions or ask for more information.

Click on the logo below and take a look at the European PSAD association.